My Work
My community host organization is Better Family Foundation. They are a small local NGO comprised of different professionals in the community. All the members are volunteers and actually pay to be members (10 USDs each month). BFFs funding, at the moment, is minimum. The only funding comes from their board member fees and money raised by a US partner organization-- Shared World Visions-- which is earmarked for community water projects. Basically, I have been working within BFF to further develop the NGO and make it more sustainable, efficient and effective. I have also been partly responsible for developing programming materials and supervising projects. I am genuinely enjoying everything I am doing.
Thus far I've been quite busy learning more about Fundong while working on various things with Better Family Foundation. To make things quick we'll do bullet points:
- Developed and completed a three-week training for a community based water project regarding a water management committee in Bainjong-- a neighboring Mbororo village.
- Supervised the construction of the water project in Bainjong.
- Applied BFF to Omprakash and Global Giving in an attempts to secure more sustainable funding.
- Developed a Welcome Packet for incoming volunteers/affiliates of BFF traveling to Fundong.
- Helped forge a partnership between BFF, Harvest's Childrens Home (a local orphanage) and Orphans to Ambassadors. So come September O2A will come to Fundong with funds to provide the orphanage with sustainable technologies as well as do some programming with the children. Exciting stuff.
- Began developing a computer literacy/social media literacy manual so that BFF members improve their computer literacy skills. No point in making this website/Facebook page if nobody can update it, monitoring it, change it,work with it once I am gone in two years.